It's about this time of the year that I start getting withdrawal symptoms and panic about the safe place that I hid my locking gloves in. Will I ever be able to find them again in time.
Visits from the Police this week - the Labour Party are holding some sort of conference at the end of February and they want to close the canal and search all our boats!!!! I have also heard that the Conservative Party are also going to hold their Conference here in September, so I suppose more of the same later this year.
Took the train down to London on Thursday for a look at the shops. What have they done to Liberty. I used to be able to spend all day in there and not get bored. Now it's just more of the same old stuff that you can find in all the shops.

As promised - the birth announcement cards for my
niece's son. He was born early Saturday morning and I got the time, weight, length etc, but forgot to ask for a name!!
I made 10 cards and used my Craft
Robo to cut out the megaphone and train. The
carriages I made like an envelope with taps at the back and the wheels are buttons. I then made tags to fit into the carriages: one for baby's name, one for a photo to be added and the third with the details. The front shows a megaphone and the wording: Announcing the arrival of...

I packed them into an acetate box which came with 50 blank cards from The Works, taking off all the sticky stuff and replacing it with my own decorations.
I then had to make a card for the new baby.