Saturday, 31 March 2007

Gas Street

Day two of the Make Mr David a Beautiful Boat Again Programme. David painted down to the water line on one side with black gunky stuff and the gunnels with other black gunky stuff.

All the wood that we collected on the way back from Marple has been sawn and chopped into neat kindling or logs and is ready for next winter.

And I washed all the towels that David uses for his man-jobs. They have to be washed on their own as they are usually covered in oil or black gunky stuff.

I am going to have to take all the curtains down and wash them too - but I'll put them off as long as possible as I hate having to sew all the buttons back on when they go back up.

I also managed to get in another day of shopping in.

Someone on the towpath once said to David that "It was a good life - you don't do nothing." Well I don't if I can help it. Oh! you noticed!!

Two pictures of cards today. Both Halloween cards. I love making them, but I don't know anyone who sends them and I certainly never have.

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