At Cooks Bridge we had wait for the Olympic security barrier to be removed. Unfortunately, no one had the key so we had to wait for about 1/2 hr or so.
Then, very slowly, we then moved on to City Mills Lock which was in "free flow" (both top and bottom gates are open, so we can sail straight through). Then it was back down the back of the three mills to Bow Locks were the rest of the boats joined us.
Then, in convoy again, we slowly, very, very, slowly, moved on down the River Lea to the Thames were it was a right turn a short trip up the river and into West India Dock Lock.
We got all the 39 boats into the lock, along with some plastics and an odd assortment of boats at the rear. The nice men on the boat in the picture were worried about their boat banging on the lock side, so they kept their engine running all the time, refusing all appeals for them to switch it off (which you are supposed to do in a lock anyway). Sod the people behind who were asphyxiated with their fumes. They may not have been Stirred, but we were definitely Shaken.
There is every sort of boat in the docks here. This is one of my favourites.
And so, 7 1/2 hours after we started and travelling for 7 1/2 miles we moored up outside the Hilton Hotel. If we had taken the shorter route through Limehouse Lock it was probably less than 3 miles. By crow flight only 1/2 mile!
Still, this is the view from the side window. Millennium Dome on the left in the distance. Tenacious on the right (all the masts). She was one of the reasons we had to take so long. She had to get berthed before we could get into the lock.
The scrutineer came on board and we PASSED!!!!! The relief is palpable. There was enough anchor chain and enough warp. The Generic Passage Plan had enough personal annotations, the engine room was clean enough, we have enough life jackets and a 1st aid kit etc, etc, etc. Suddenly we weren't tired any more. Just one more hoop to jump through tomorrow when we get to the start of the Pageant and get our flag.
And then the final briefing, which didn't seem as horrific as the one last night. God, was it only last night! Seems like a lifetime away.
An old card; I must have made it about 6 years ago.
I used a cream card blank and made a pink panel with a silver panel inside. A bunch of blue silk flowers was stuck down with glue dots and a blue ribbon likewise.
The butterfly was taken from a hair ornament and was also stuck down with a glue dot
I made printed out the sentiment and name on the computer using a fancy font and cut it out with scalloped scissors and matted it onto silver and pink card.
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